Health & Fitness
Diet and Exercise for the Skinny Guy Who Wants to Bulk Up

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Weight gain is sometimes overshadowed by what many consider to be the more serious ailment, obesity, and weight reduction. While the latter may be connected with higher health hazards, the reality is that gaining weight for slender males may be a huge difficulty that is both irritating and troublesome.
The good news for all you lanky men is that gaining weight is easily within your grasp with careful planning, hard work, and, most importantly, consistency.
Carbohydrates are your best Chum.
Carbohydrates are the easiest macronutrient to ingest and should account for the bulk of your calorie intake (around 60 percent ). Anything and everything goes here, with the exception of refined sugar and processed foods. Consider buckets of pasta, potatoes, bread, rice, oats, and cereals; you name it, and you consume it in large quantities.
Pro Tips
- Top your food with cheese, seeds, nuts, and avocado
- Use mayo on sandwiches and in dips
- Use cream-based sauces
- Drizzle maple syrup or honey on your toast or pancakes
Despite what you may have heard or seen, you do not need to consume a lot of protein to gain weight. Protein that your body can’t use is eliminated, not saved for later use, unlike carbs.
As a general guideline, aim for 2 to 3 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight and include a balanced dose of high-quality protein with each meal or snack.
A 70kg male, for example, should take 140-210 grams of protein each day.
Foods High In Fat and Calories
Fat has the highest calorie density of any macronutrient, at 9 calories per gram. You’ll have a far better chance of meeting your 3500+ daily calorie requirements if you include enough healthy fats and calorie-dense foods in your diet.
The following are the top calorie-dense foods:
- Full-fat Greek yogurt
- Nuts and nut butter
- Oily fish (Salmon)
- Whole milk
- Coconut oil
- Avocados
- Olive oil
- Cheese
- Eggs
The king of Calories Is Liquid Calories.
If the thought of consuming 2000 calories in one sitting makes you sick, put it in a blender and drink it down! Below is a recipe for a great smoothie that can help you bulk up:
- 2 Scoops of Protein powder
- 3 Tbsp peanut butter
- 500 ml whole milk
- 150g Oats
- 2 bananas
Nutritional content: 1802 calories, 187g carbs, 74g protein, 66g fat
Full-Fat Milk Is Recommended.
Whole milk, with roughly 60 calories per 100 mL, is a wonderful method to add calories to your diet.
If you’re lactose intolerant or prefer not to drink dairy, almond and oat milk are excellent calorie-dense plant-based substitutes.
Ensure that your kitchen Is Well-Stocked.
As simple as it may seem, it is critical to keep your cabinets, refrigerator, and freezer completely supplied with everything you require. You may prevent running out of food, skipping meals, and going hungry by giving your shopping run a little thought and additional planning.
Consume a Lot of Fruits and Vegetables.
While eating a lot of fruits and veggies isn’t always linked to weight gain, they’re filled with all the vitamins and minerals you’ll need to power your workouts and lifestyle. Not only that, but they’re usually high in fiber, which will aid in moving the excess food necessary to gain weight through your digestive system.
Nutrition Before and After a Workout
While you are what you eat, when you eat is as crucial for your fitness objectives. Your pre-and post-workout nourishment should be your top priority meal of the day when it comes to bulking up.
The pre-workout diet should focus on providing a healthy mix of protein and carbohydrates to your body (aim for a ratio of around 3:1 carbs to protein). If you deny your body of easily measurable energy during an exercise, it may search for other ways to meet its energy needs, such as burning fat and muscle for fuel. When you’re trying to gain weight, this is a major no-no.
Your body requires replenishment after an exercise to aid in muscle repair and growth. Aim for a healthy serving of fast-digesting carbohydrates and protein in the 5-60 minutes following your workout. (Again, a carbohydrate-to-protein ratio of roughly 3:1 is excellent). Fat should be avoided soon after an exercise since it might impede glucose absorption.
While supplements should never be used to substitute a well-balanced diet, they can be incredibly beneficial to Ectomorphs. Especially when bulking when the prospect of yet another chicken breast, sweet potato, and a mountain of broccoli is too much to bear.
Transparent Labs has a great selection of supplements to help you meet your daily macronutrient objectives for muscle building without having to chew anything else.
Check out their muscle-building staples and vegan strength stacks.
For their high-quality all-natural plant-based performance supplements, we also recommend our friends at Performance Lab and Roar Ambition.
The Bulk Up food plan by The Skinny Guy
If the thought of consuming 3500 calories or more per day makes you squirm, don’t worry! We’ve put up a full-fledged BULK UP eating plan for all you slim men trying to bulk up.
Welcome to the bulk-up diet regimen of the Skinny Guy. This is the ideal food plan for Ectomorphs who want to gain major muscle mass and weight!
- A complete 7-day diet plan (to be followed until you achieve your desired weight and/or outcomes).
- Ectomorphs should follow a precisely calculated daily macronutrient split and accurate measurements to enhance weight gain and muscle building.
- For BIG results, try this tasty and very effective post-workout smoothie recipe!
- Suggestions for supplements
- Complements the Skinny Guy’s bulk-up training routine well.
Diet plays a significant role in most health and fitness goals, and weight gain is no exception. Especially for individuals wanting to gain muscle mass while dealing with a fast metabolism!
If your regular day of eating consists of a range of processed meals, frozen boxes, and a microwave, you’ll need to make some major dietary modifications if you want to gain weight.
Keep Track of your Calorie Consumption.
One of the primary issues that slim males face is their proclivity to overestimate the quantity of food they consume. You probably don’t eat as much as you preach, and you have a slim probability of gaining significant weight without completing the math.
Take out the scales and keep track of your calorie intake for a few days. Once you’ve figured out how much you’re presently eating, you can start making the necessary modifications to gain some weight.
Every day, Consume 3500 Calories or more.
Let’s set the bar at 3500 calories per day as a minimum. If you’re young, have a fast metabolism, or live a really busy lifestyle, you may need to set your goals much higher.
While eating 3500+ calories of junk food each day is quite simple. It is not possible to eat the same amount of high-quality food in the same length of time. Dedication, consistency, planning, and preparation are all required. Depending on your weight, you may need to eat every 2-3 hours, for a total of 6-10 meals each day. You might have to force yourself to eat even if you’re not hungry and eat till you can’t eat anymore. Gluttony isn’t listed among the seven deadly sins for no cause. The good news is that the more you consume, the more your body will adjust to the reduced quantities of food, making it easier over time.
The slender man’s passport to bulging biceps and a fuller-looking body can be found in weight training. However, there are a few crucial considerations to make while training for better outcomes.
Workout Routine
It’s critical to understand why you’re going to the gym. Yes, we understand that your aim is to gain weight, but without a well-thought-out periodized workout plan to follow, your results will be restricted at best. To develop a highly successful weight training exercise, use the recommendations below or contact a personal trainer at the gym to design a tailored workout plan relevant to your goals.
Exercising in a Compound
Compound exercises should be the focus of your weight-training regimens if you want to get the most bang for your dollars. Compound workouts target the largest amount of muscle fibers, whereas isolated exercises like bicep curls and leg extensions are perfect for fine-tuning. As a consequence, the body produces more anabolic hormones (testosterone and growth hormone), which leads to considerably better muscle development outcomes.
Compound Activities that Promote Muscular Growth
- Squats (Front and back)
- Deadlifts are a type of exercise in which you lift (Traditional, Romanian, Sumo, etc)
- The bench press is a kind of resistance training (incline, flat, decline)
- Push-ups are a great way to start your day (incline, flat, decline)
- A series of rows (seated, standing, bent-over)
- Presses military (standing or seated)
- Squats and lunges in Bulgarian Split
- Pull-ups
Don’t Forget about Leg Day!
Many guys skip leg days because they are either A.) overly focused with beach muscles (chest, arms, and abs) or B.) have a poor pain tolerance. In either case, the end consequence is the same: an out-of-proportion body.
Lower-body workouts that involve a mix of complex exercises enhance growth hormone and testosterone levels more than any other exercise, jolting your body into greater overall muscular growth. Simply do it!!!
Sets, Rep Ranges, and Rest times
Start with three sets if you’re new to weight training and work your way up to five as your form, strength, and confidence improve.
Rep Ranges
While experimenting with different rep ranges is useful. Sticking to the 8-12 rep range for maximal hypertrophy has been proved time and time again when focusing on weight gain through the muscular building.
Rest times
While this is a contentious subject, the bulk of research says that 60-120 seconds of rest between sets is best for maximal muscle growth.
Cardio should be avoided.
Despite all of the health advantages of regular cardiovascular exercise, pounding the pavement on a treadmill for hours at a time is a recipe for weight gain. Especially if you’re trying to put on weight. Give it a pass for the time being unless you want to increase your calorie intake even more to meet your already massive calorie requirements.
Include one brief HIIT session in your weekly exercise plan if you can’t live without cardio.
Note: Regular exercise is good, such as a stroll, light cycling to work, hiking with your partner, working in the garden, and so on. Just don’t make cardio the main emphasis of your workout.
Forget about the no-days-off nonsense. You must relax in order to grow! This is something I can’t stress enough. Working exercise while your muscles are still recuperating will have negative consequences, no matter how driven you are to gain weight. For best results, wait at least 48 hours between workouts targeting the same muscle area.
The Bulk Up Exercise Regimen by The Skinny Guy
Don’t worry if you’re still unclear about how to work out for your body type. We’ve put up a full-fledged BULK UP strength training regimen for all you slim guys out there trying to bulk up your physique.
Welcome to the bulk-up training routine for the Skinny Guy. This is the ideal strength-training routine for Ectomorphs who want to bulk up!
- A 5-day training routine that is entirely comprehensive (to be repeated for 12 weeks or until you attain your goal weight and/or results).
- 5-day body split workouts – chest and triceps, back and biceps, legs, shoulders and calves, arms and abs – intended for optimum muscular growth.
- For BIG results, try this tasty and very effective post-workout smoothie recipe!
- Suggestions for supplements
- Complements the Skinny Guy’s bulk-up eating plan wonderfully.
Health & Fitness
Spain GEDmatch 999915: Unraveling Your Spanish Ancestry with Precision

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Spain has a rich and diverse genetic history shaped by centuries of migrations, invasions, and cultural exchanges. Understanding Spanish ancestry requires advanced tools, and GEDmatch provides one of the most specialized options available.
The Spain GEDmatch 999915 calculator is designed to analyze DNA and break it down into specific Iberian and related components. This tool helps individuals with Spanish roots uncover their genetic heritage in greater detail.
Unlike generic DNA ancestry reports, this calculator provides deeper insight into the historical influences that shaped the Spanish gene pool. It can reveal connections to ancient civilizations like the Iberians, Romans, and Moors.
For those exploring their family history, this tool is an excellent resource. Whether you have recent Spanish ancestors or distant Iberian roots, using Spain GEDmatch 999915 can offer a clearer picture of your genetic background.
Understanding GEDmatch and Admixture Calculators
GEDmatch is a free online platform that allows users to analyze their raw DNA data. It provides advanced genetic tools that are not available on most commercial DNA testing websites.
One of the most useful features on GEDmatch is the admixture calculator, which breaks down a person’s DNA into regional and ethnic components. These calculators use different reference populations to estimate ancestral origins.
Not all calculators are created equal. Some are broad, covering entire continents, while others, like Spain GEDmatch 999915, focus on specific regions. This makes it more precise for those with Spanish ancestry.
- Standard DNA tests from companies like AncestryDNA and 23andMe provide only a general view of ancestry.
- Spain GEDmatch 999915 goes further by identifying Iberian, Mediterranean, North African, and other Spanish influences.
- This tool helps in tracing deeper genetic connections beyond what typical DNA tests offer.
By using this calculator, users can gain a more detailed and historically accurate understanding of their genetic roots.
Spain GEDmatch 999915: What It Analyzes
The Spain GEDmatch 999915 calculator is designed to break down Iberian DNA into specific regional influences. It uses a detailed genetic reference panel to provide accurate estimates.
This tool identifies different ancestral components present in Spanish DNA. Spain’s location has made it a crossroads of civilizations, and this is reflected in its genetic diversity.
One of the key advantages of Spain GEDmatch 999915 is its ability to detect subtle genetic influences from different migrations. This helps users see how various groups contributed to their heritage.
In comparison to general European calculators, this tool provides higher accuracy for individuals with Spanish ancestry. It distinguishes Iberian DNA from other European, Mediterranean, and African influences.
Understanding the results requires some background knowledge of Spanish history and migrations, which will help in interpreting the DNA breakdown.
The Genetic Makeup of Spain
Spain’s genetics are shaped by centuries of migration, conquest, and cultural blending. The population carries traces of many historical civilizations.
- Iberian Influence: The indigenous people of the Iberian Peninsula form the core genetic base of modern Spaniards. Their DNA is still dominant, especially in central and southern Spain.
- Mediterranean Influence: The Greeks and Phoenicians settled in Spain, introducing Mediterranean genetic markers. These influences are stronger in coastal areas.
- North African Influence: The Moors ruled Spain for over 700 years, leaving a genetic impact, particularly in Andalusia.
- Celtic Influence: Northern Spain, especially Galicia and Asturias, has strong Celtic ancestry. The region’s people share DNA similarities with the Irish and Scots.
- Sephardic Jewish Heritage: Spain had a large Jewish population before their expulsion in 1492. Some Spanish families still carry Sephardic Jewish genetic markers.
Each of these influences is detected by Spain GEDmatch 999915, making it an essential tool for understanding Spanish ancestry.
How to Use the Spain GEDmatch 999915 Calculator
Using Spain GEDmatch 999915 is simple, but it requires raw DNA data from a testing service like 23andMe, AncestryDNA, or MyHeritage.
First, users must upload their DNA file to GEDmatch. Once uploaded, they can access various tools, including the admixture calculators.
To get Spanish ancestry details, users need to select Spain GEDmatch 999915 from the admixture section. The tool will analyze the DNA and provide a breakdown of regional genetic influences.
Interpreting the results requires looking at percentage distributions. If a person has high Iberian, Mediterranean, or North African percentages, it reflects historical migrations and ancestry.
For best results, it is recommended to compare findings with historical and genealogical records. This can help confirm family origins and better understand ancestry.
Benefits of Using Spain GEDmatch 999915
This tool is valuable for individuals who want deeper insights into their Spanish heritage. Unlike standard DNA tests, it offers more precise details on Iberian genetic composition.
One major benefit is that it helps users distinguish between different Spanish regional ancestries. For example, it can highlight if a person has strong Galician, Andalusian, or Basque genetic roots.
It also provides insight into historical migrations that shaped Spain. Knowing about these influences can help individuals connect with their past in a meaningful way.
For those interested in genealogy, Spain GEDmatch 999915 is a great tool for confirming family history. It can validate or challenge existing records and family stories.
Overall, this calculator enhances the understanding of Spanish ancestry beyond what commercial DNA tests can offer.
Limitations and Considerations
While Spain GEDmatch 999915 is a powerful tool, it is not 100% accurate. DNA calculators rely on reference samples, which can sometimes lead to minor discrepancies.
The tool works best when used alongside other genealogy research. Historical records, family trees, and oral histories should be considered when interpreting results.
Another limitation is that genetic overlap exists between Iberians and neighboring regions. Some results may show small percentages of Italian, Greek, or North African ancestry due to ancient migrations.
Users should also keep in mind that DNA inheritance is random. Siblings can receive different genetic percentages, even if they share the same parents.
Despite these limitations, Spain GEDmatch 999915 remains one of the best tools available for understanding Spanish genetic heritage.
Other Useful GEDmatch Tools for Spanish Ancestry
In addition to Spain GEDmatch 999915, there are other GEDmatch calculators that can further refine Spanish ancestry analysis.
Some European-focused tools like Eurogenes K13 and MDLP World can provide additional context by comparing Spanish DNA to other European populations.
GEDmatch also offers DNA cousin matching, which helps users find relatives based on shared DNA segments. This can be useful for expanding family history research.
Using multiple tools can provide a more complete picture of ancestry. Spain GEDmatch 999915 is an excellent starting point, but cross-referencing with other tools can enhance accuracy.
For those serious about genealogy and ancestry research, combining GEDmatch tools with historical records can produce more reliable and meaningful results.
Spain’s genetic history is rich and diverse, influenced by various civilizations over thousands of years. Spain GEDmatch 999915 helps individuals explore this complex heritage in detail.
By using this tool, users can gain a better understanding of their Spanish ancestry and how historical events shaped their DNA.
Although no DNA calculator is perfect, Spain GEDmatch 999915 provides one of the most accurate options for those with Iberian roots.
For anyone curious about their Spanish lineage, this tool is a valuable resource that can provide meaningful insights into their past.
What is Spain GEDmatch 999915?
It is a specialized DNA calculator on GEDmatch that analyzes Spanish and Iberian ancestry in detail.
How accurate is Spain GEDmatch 999915?
While it provides precise regional ancestry insights, results may vary due to genetic overlaps and reference samples.
Can Spain GEDmatch 999915 detect Sephardic Jewish ancestry?
Yes, it can identify Sephardic Jewish markers, but confirmation requires historical records or additional DNA analysis.
Do I need a commercial DNA test to use Spain GEDmatch 999915?
Yes, you must first test with services like 23andMe, AncestryDNA, or MyHeritage and upload the raw data to GEDmatch.
Does Spain GEDmatch 999915 show exact locations of ancestry?
No, it provides regional genetic influences rather than pinpointing specific towns or villages in Spain.
Food & Drink
Sauer Condiment NYT: Tangy Flavors That Elevate Every Meal

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“Sauer,” the German word for “sour,” represents an entire world of tangy, fermented flavors that have been loved for centuries. Sauer condiment nyt, like sauerkraut, pickles, and fermented sauces, is known for its bold taste and ability to complement various dishes. These condiments are more than just a culinary addition—they tell a story of tradition, health, and innovation.
Historical Origins
The history of sauer condiments dates back to ancient times when fermentation was a necessity for preserving food. In Germany and Eastern Europe, people used fermentation to extend the shelf life of vegetables during long winters. Sauerkraut, for instance, originated as a practical way to store cabbage but quickly became a staple in the diet. Over time, the tangy flavors spread across the world, influencing cuisines far beyond their origins.
Types of Sauer Condiments
There are many kinds of sauer condiments, each with unique characteristics:
- Sauerkraut: This is finely shredded cabbage fermented in brine. It’s a classic German condiment often served with sausages and pork dishes.
- Kimchi: A Korean favorite, kimchi is a spicy, fermented vegetable mix, typically made with cabbage, radishes, and chili peppers.
- Pickled Vegetables: From cucumbers to carrots, pickling involves soaking vegetables in vinegar or saltwater brine, resulting in a tangy crunch.
- Fermented Sauces: Soy sauce, miso, and other tangy condiments add depth to many Asian dishes.
Health Benefits
Sauer condiments are not only delicious but also incredibly nutritious:
- They are rich in probiotics, beneficial bacteria that support gut health and digestion.
- The fermentation process increases the vitamin content of the food, especially vitamins C and K.
- Regular consumption of fermented foods can boost the immune system and improve overall health.
Culinary Uses of Sauer Condiments
Sauer condiments are versatile and can enhance a variety of dishes:
- Sauerkraut is a perfect match for sausages, hot dogs, and sandwiches.
- Kimchi adds a spicy kick to rice dishes, soups, and noodles.
- Pickled vegetables make excellent snacks, side dishes, or additions to burgers and wraps.
- Fermented sauces like soy sauce and miso enrich the flavors of marinades, soups, and stir-fries.
The Science of Fermentation
Fermentation is the magic behind sauer condiments. It’s a process where lactic acid bacteria break down sugars in vegetables, producing lactic acid. This not only gives the condiments their signature tangy flavor but also preserves the food by preventing harmful bacteria from growing. The balance of salt, sourness, and time is key to achieving the perfect fermentation.
Modern Trends in Sauer Condiments
Today, sauer condiments are enjoying a resurgence in popularity, thanks to the growing interest in health-conscious eating and artisanal foods. People are experimenting with making their own fermented condiments at home, using creative ingredients and flavors. Specialty stores now offer a wide variety of sauerkraut, kimchi, and pickles, catering to different tastes and dietary preferences.
Cultural Significance and Variations
Sauer condiments hold a special place in many cultures. In Germany, sauerkraut is a symbol of comfort food and is celebrated in traditional meals. In Korea, kimchi is more than just a side dish—it’s a cultural icon and a staple at every meal. Pickling traditions also vary widely, from dill pickles in the U.S. to tangy achar in India. These condiments have even inspired fusion dishes, blending flavors from different cuisines.
How to Make Sauer Condiments at Home
Making sauer condiments at home is simple and rewarding. Here’s a basic method for sauerkraut:
- Shred fresh cabbage and mix it with salt (about 2% of the cabbage weight).
- Massage the cabbage until it releases its juices.
- Pack the cabbage tightly into a clean jar, ensuring it’s submerged in its brine.
- Cover the jar with a cloth or lid and let it ferment at room temperature for 1–4 weeks, tasting occasionally.
Pickling vegetables is just as easy—simply submerge them in a mixture of vinegar, water, salt, and optional spices. The results are tangy, crunchy, and packed with flavor.
Sauer condiments bring together flavor, history, and health benefits in one tangy package. Whether it’s the comforting taste of sauerkraut, the fiery kick of kimchi, or the satisfying crunch of pickles, sauer condiment nyt has earned its place in kitchens worldwide. By exploring sauer condiments, you’re not just adding zest to your meals—you’re embracing a culinary tradition that has stood the test of time. So, why not try making or tasting one today? You might discover a new favorite!
What is the difference between sauerkraut and kimchi?
Sauerkraut is made with cabbage and salt, while kimchi includes spices, chili, and additional vegetables for a spicy kick.
How long does it take to ferment sauer condiments at home?
Most sauer condiments, like sauerkraut, take 1–4 weeks to ferment depending on temperature and taste preference.
Are sauer condiments safe to eat if homemade?
Yes, as long as proper hygiene, salt ratios, and airtight fermentation practices are followed to prevent contamination.
Do sauer condiments need to be refrigerated?
After fermentation, refrigeration slows down the process and helps maintain freshness and flavor.
Can I use other vegetables besides cabbage for fermentation?
Absolutely! Vegetables like carrots, radishes, cucumbers, and even beets work great for making sauer condiments.
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Health & Fitness
How to Choose the Right Plastic Surgeon for You

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Choosing the right plastic surgery procedure is extremely important, but it’s equally valuable to make sure you’re choosing the right surgeon. If you pick someone who doesn’t have the specific skills or expertise you’re looking for you could end up with a result that’s not what you hoped for. Most plastic surgeons perform a number of different procedures, but some of them are specialized in certain areas. Finding the best one for your needs matters and can affect the outcome.
Take a Look at the Work They’ve Done
One of the best ways to know if a particular plastic surgeon is right for your needs is to see the work they’ve done on past patients. Not only can that give you a better idea of their technique, but it can also help you see the end results for a number of people who have had that same procedure. If the results aren’t what you’re hoping for, it’s worth finding out if that’s due to the surgeon you’re considering or other factors.
It may not be possible to get certain types of results with standard plastic surgery procedures depending on the kind of surgery you want and your individual characteristics. However, you still need to choose a surgeon who does great work and who provides the kinds of results you can rely on. In other words, you need a quality surgeon. When you choose a professional like Dr. Joel Aronowitz you want to know that they’re going to give you great results.
Talk to Others and Read Reviews
If you personally know someone who’s had plastic surgery, asking them about their experience and the surgeon they used can help. You can also check out review sites to see what people are saying about a particular surgeon, but remember that not all reviews are accurate. You’ll want to look at the overall rating, because that gives you a good idea of whether people are generally happy with the procedures they’ve gotten from a particular surgeon, such as Joel Aronowitz MD.
The more you can find out about a particular surgeon and the quality of their work the more you can be prepared for what to expect from them. This could also help you rule someone out or find a surgeon you definitely want to work with, even if they have a longer wait time to be seen or to have your surgery scheduled. There are many different reasons you might want to work with a specific surgeon, or why you’d prefer not to, but past work and reviews are great places to start.
Choosing a Surgeon is a Personal Decision
At the end of the day, it’s a very personal thing to choose a plastic surgeon, and you want to feel confident in the selection you make. Especially if you want to correct something that’s been bothering you for a long time, or you’re looking for a very delicate and precise procedure, finding the best surgeon for your needs is worth the time and effort.
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